ICIST 2016

6th International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

Barcelona , Spain 18 - 20 March 2016

Welcome to BDCEC'2016

Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, and their convergence have emerged as major drivers for enterprise transformation and innovation in both business and IT worlds. Enterprises’ competitiveness is increasingly determined by their abilities to leverage these technologies. The Big Data and Cloud Engineering Conference (BDCEC'2016) describes the platform that supports the convergence of these technologies as the third platform. It is accessed from mobile devices, utilizes big data, and is cloud based. IoT (Internet of Things), Mobile and Social network are major sources of Big Data. Cloud Computing provides a scalable services consumption model and cost-effective delivery platform. Big data analytics offers the promise of providing valuable insight for science, engineering, medicine, finance, business, government etc. Successful application of these technologies helps enterprises understand customers’ needs and sentiment, make right decisions in time, improve process efficiency, allow them to mass-customize their services, and improve products/services to excel in the fast changing competitive landscape.

some text BDCEC'2016 Topics

Relevant topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Architecture & Foundation of Cloud Computing and Big Data

- Infrastructure as a Service and Green Cloud Computing
- Monitoring, Management and Maintenance of Cloud Platform
- Performance Improvement and Hardware Optimizations for Cloud Computing and Big Data
- Integrated Platform for Cloud Computing, Big Data, IOT and Social Networks
- Best Practices for Migration to Cloud

Tools & Services for Cloud Computing and Big Data

- Platform as a Service, DevOps, and API Management
- Novel Programming Model for Cloud and Big Data
- Quality Measurement, Evaluation and Management
- Information lifecycle management for Cloud Computing and Big Data
- Innovative Cloud Applications, Novel Theoretical and Computational Models for Big Data

Software as a Service, Big Data Analytics, Modeling and Applications

- Business Models for Software as a Service
- Open Data, Data as a Service and Decision as a Service
- Big Data Analytic Algorithms, Knowledge Discovery & Data Engineering
- Visualization Analytics for Big Data
- Large Scale Distributed Knowledge Management

Security, Privacy, Trust & Quality of Cloud Computing and Big Data

- Hardware/Software Reliability, Verification and Testing in Cloud Computing and Big Data
- Trusted Computing & Autonomic Computing in Cloud Computing and Big Data
- Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing and Big Data
- Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing and Big Data

Cloud and Context for Business Process Management and Big Data Applications

- Cloud-based BPM and Workflow as a Service
- Context-aware recommendation process
- Workflow verification and generation with context and QoS constraints
- Load balancing and scheduling of cloud workflows
- Cloud/Context-based process mining

Software Defined Everything (SDX)

- Architecture and Management of software-defined ecosystems
- Software-defined networking
- Software-defined storage
- Software-defined cyber-physical systems
- HW/SW co-design and tradeoffs

Mobile/IOT and Smart City

- Communication systems, network architecture and management for IoT
- RFID and wireless sensor networks
- Energy efficient resource management
- Smart city applications in environmental, garbage and smart transportation
- Smart city deployments, test-beds and field trials

Social Networking

- Modeling social networks
- Efficient algorithms for mining social networks
- Management of social media data
- Information extraction of social media
- Applications of social media data mining