ICCES 2015 is now accepting manuscript submissions.
Submission of papers will be accepted via Easychair in PDF format. Please visit:

The submitted file must be in LNCS appropriate style.

* Follow LNCS guidelines: ICCES 2015-paper-template

The first page of the draft paper should include:
(1) Title of the paper;
(2) Name, affiliation and e-mail address for each author;
(3) A maximum of 5 keywords of the paper.

Also, the name of the conference that the paper is being submitted to should be stated in the email.
The authors are advised to submit their manuscripts for reviewing when their drafts are ready, instead of waiting till the submission deadline.
It is our target that the reviewing process for each submitted manuscript can be completed within four weeks from its submission.
Then, the participants can have more time to prepare for their conference registration etc.
An acknowledgement email for the receipt of the submitted papers will be sent within three working days.
If the authors have not received the acknowledgement emails or the result notification emails within the above specific periods, they can contact us by email at icces.educ@gmail.com

The camera-ready manuscripts can be prepared with the ICCES 2015 Proceeding Templates. And, the camera-ready manuscript with its assigned paper number can be sent to icces.conf@gmail.com in pdf format or in MS Word format.

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