The 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies
Hammamet, Tunisia, December 21-23, 2013
Coporate Profiles

Papers submission

We solicit contributions from industry (2 to 3 pages), Short papers (3 to 5 pages) and full papers (5 to 8 pages) formatted according to the LNCS style:
An industry contribution is expected to report the outline of an experience report that an industry representative should present to the audience.
Short papers will be expected to discuss controversial issues in the field or describe interesting or thought-provoking ideas that are not yet fully developed.
Full papers will be expected to describe new research results and have a higher degree of technical rigor than short papers.
All papers must not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere.

Authors are invited to submit papers through the Eeasychair system .
Submission Web pages is:

Accepted papers will be published in the ICSENT'13 proceedings.
Selected and papers solicited through an open-call for papers will be published in the special issue of an appropriate journal.


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